1.) Locate the Game
When you click on the buylist Link it will direct you to a page showing all of the different games you can sell. Clicking the Buylist Link of the game you are interested in selling will then bring up a list of all items that we are currently buying for that game.
2.) Fill in Your List
Now that you are on the game page, simply locate the items you wish to sell You will notice that along with the name of each item is also listed the edition, condition, current price offered and max quantity we are buying. On the far right hand side of the list you will see a blank box next to each item. Please enter the quantity that you wish to sell for each item and then click submit (located on the buy list total window, the top, and the bottom of the page). Clicking submit will bring you to the Order Confirmation page. You must check the box at the top of the page agreeing that you have read these instructions and will abide by our polices.
Before finalizing your order we ask that you please check back through it to ensure its accuracy. Any order that is received with excessive errors will not be processed and will be returned. Repeated violations may result in BigNCollectibles.Com terminating your selling privileges.
3.) Enter Your Payment Information & Notes
*Payment amount is not finalized until after we receive your package and verify its contents.
You will be given multiple options for payment. Select the one that best suits your needs, and please make sure all payment information provided is correct before you confirm. If requesting payment via PayPal, please be sure that you provide us with the correct email address for your PayPal account.
Your Payment Options
Paypal: Upon selecting this you will be prompted to enter your PayPal address. Your money will be deposited to the provided paypal account. You will receive less than the finalized total after PayPal fees.
Website Credit: Your BigNCollectibles.Com account will be credited the finalized amount. If the amount for a single order is greater than $20.00, you will receive an additional 12% credit.
There is also an area for you to include any notes that you feel are pertinent to your order.
After you have verified all payment information, confirm your order, then print the invoice to be included with your package.
4.) Pack and Ship Your Items to Us
When counting your bulk make sure all your cards are in mint condition. At this time we are ONLY ACCEPTING ENGLISH Yugioh CARDS. No Damaged Cards Please.
Domestic orders must be received within ten (10) business days of the date the buy list was submitted. We strongly suggest that you choose a shipping method that includes both delivery confirmation and insurance. Please be sure to pack your items securely. BigNCollectibles.Com is not responsible for packages not received. Please note that if your package appears damaged it will be immediately refused upon delivery and returned to you.
Note: Most of the damaged packages we receive are large packages containing bulk cards. When packing these types of orders we recommend that you ensure there is no empty space for the cards to shift about. Also, please be aware of how heavy the box is after packing. You may want to double box heavy packages to ensure they are not damaged in transit.
Below is an example of how the order numbers need to be written:
Sell Order # 11111, 11112 and 11113
PO Box 415
North Aurora IL 60542
We ask that you do not send product for a single order in multiple packages. Your order can not be processed until all packages arrive at our facility and just because it was shipped at the same time does not mean it will arrive altogether. If you must separate the order into different packages, please clearly label the outside of the box as to how many packages are being sent in total and which package each is. Also, please be sure to write the order number on the outside of each package. For example; Order # 11111 box 1 of 5, Order # 11111 box 2 of 5, etc.
Please be sure to always write the sell order number on the outside of your package.
Packing Cards:
Put the items in the order of your invoice, failure to do so may result in a sorting fee of 25% of your entire order total. Please make sure that your bulk is easily discernable from your singles, include a print-out of your invoice, and finish packing your order.
Cards may not be shipped in binders, 9 pocket pages, or sleeves. This helps expedite the time it takes us to process your order. We reserve the right to refuse any buy list orders that do not adhere to this rule.
Ship Your Order to:
Sell Order # (Your order # here - e.g., 58182 )
PO Box 415
North Aurora IL 60542
5.) Order Check In & Payment
Upon receiving your package, we will confirm the contents of your order. Throughout this process there are various things we look at that may change the total of your order. We will make sure that the item(s) are correct, meet our grading standards, and are authentic. If there are issues with your order, or if we receive it after ten (10) business days, we will send you an updated offer via email. You will have three (3) business days to respond to our counter offer. If we do not receive a response within the three (3) day period, we will assume you have accepted the offer and process your payment with the appropriate deductions applied. If you wish to have any of the items returned, you must request this at the time you accept the deduction. Please note that once the deduction is accepted (this includes deductions that did not receive a response), any item received will then be considered property of BigNCollectibles.Com and will no longer be eligible to be returned.
Should you decline the counter offer, BigNCollectibles.Com will return your order to you at our expense.
When will I be paid for my order?
Generally, payments are made within 10 business days of the order being processed.
How do I use website credit?
Website credit is automatically applied to your next purchase at BignCollectibles.Com. You can check how much website credit you have by going to: My Account > Credit History.